Just Tech: Seeking Equity in an Algorithmic World
Day Two - Sept 23 – Griffin West
Many believe technology to be neutral, free of human biases and prejudices. But technology is a human construct—an extension of ourselves—and algorithms will often reproduce our biases to disastrous effect. Three advocates of algorithmic justice elevate how we can build the next generation of the web with social justice at the forefront.
Safiya Noble
Author, "Algorithms of Oppression"; Co-Founder & Director, UCLA Center for Critical Internet Inquiry
Ruha Benjamin
Professor of African American Studies & Founding Director of the Ida B. Wells Just Data Lab, Princeton University
Meredith Broussard
Associate Professor, New York University & Research Director at the NYU Alliance for Public Interest Technology
Jelani Cobb
Dean & Henry R. Luce Professor of Journalism, Columbia Journalism School
- Web3 and Justice
- Inclusivity in Tech